The Winds of Change

As November turned into December and I observed the one-year mark of my Grandmother passing away, I thought about how change sometimes comes like a hurricane. One minute, everything is calm. Then the hurricane moves over you. The wind howls around you. Then it moves off and you start to put together the pieces of your world as it is now.

These last four years have been our blasting hurricane of change. Just when the winds started to settle, the hurricane gained strength and came back for another round.

Now, as I attempt to settle into my life here in Tennessee, I look back at the last four years and see what God has done through it all. He is good through all things and in all times. He prepares us for what lies ahead and helps us to process what is now behind. Most importantly, He meets us in the middle of each moment, from now until we see Him face to face.

To the ones I now hold only in my memories.

Grandpa John (far left, bottom). Since 2016.

Nana. Since 2019.

Mr. Milt. Since 2020.

As I walk forward in this new reality— our life after the hurricane— I am thanking God that some things never change: the constant love and prayers of our families, God’s amazing ability to get us through any challenge, and His unending love which blankets every part of our life.

To say that God caused me to lose people, my good health, opportunities, and things that I love would be folly. To say that He is constantly giving, working all things for good, weaving colors into our tapestry that make it a beautiful work of art, and ultimately giving of Himself for the lifeblood of all creation would be the gospel. Praise God for His generous Spirit!

“But to those who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.”

John 1:12-13 (ESV)

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